[Mapserver-users] postgres 7.3.2.....

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Sun May 25 16:40:53 EDT 2003

This may be independent of the PostGIS bug after all... stay tuned on
bug 316, it may be fixed soon in the 4.0 dev. version.  This will not be
fixed in 3.6.  

The root of the problem here is that getShape() doesn't like to return a
shape with 0 attribute fields in it... it's really odd that postgis
would return shapes with no attributes by default.  Anyway, you could
possibly work around the problem by forcing your layer definition to
select some attribute fields, I think I've seen discussions of this in
the archives in the past.  (Don't email me directly to ask I don't know
how to do it.)


> steff wrote:
> Hello ,
> Sorry to bother you with my problem but :
> it's  with queryByPoint on postgis layer :
> i get this :
> Fatal error: Assertion failed, Could not set shape values: 0, 0 in
> /var/www/html/mapscript/mapscript.inc on line 181
> but i get an index on the table row...which seem to be good ???
> the table structure is :
> | oid | gid | area | dept_id | the_geom |
> I've already try the dave's patch and mapserver-dev without success.

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