[Mapserver-users] Re: [Mapserver-users] php/mapscript's dll compiled to work with postgis ?

colombo.l colombo.l at email.it
Mon May 26 07:04:02 EDT 2003

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I think that the problem is in php_mascript_36.dll becouse it's not compi=
lated to work with postgis.=0D=0A=0D=0ADoes someone have the php/mapscrip=
t's dll compiled to work with postgis ?=0D=0A=0D=0ACiao=0D=0ALuca=0D=0A=0D=
=0A> Hi,=0D=0A>  =0D=0A>  I did the "PHP/Mapscript By Example HOWTO" in t=
he documentation section of this site and I didn't have problems.=0D=0A> =
 =0D=0A> Then I tried to use my own mapfile in which I retrive data with =
Postgis.=0D=0A> I modified the php file as follow: $map =3D ms_newMapObj(=
$map_path."mymap.map"), but if I try to load it with PHP/Mapscript nothin=
g is displayed.

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Battesimo,  Nascita,  complenanno, laurea =20
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<DIV>I think that the problem is in php_mascript_36.dll becouse it's not =
compilated to work with postgis.</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>D=
oes someone have the php/mapscript's dll compiled to work with postgis&nb=
V>=0D=0A<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>&gt; Hi,</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>&gt; &nbsp;<=
/DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>&gt; &nbsp;I did the "<A href=3D"http://mapserver.gis.umn=
.edu/doc36/phpmapscript-byexample-howto.html">PHP/Mapscript By Example HO=
WTO</A>" in the documentation section of this site&nbsp;and I didn't have=
 problems.</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>&gt; &nbsp;</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>&gt; Then I tried =
to use my own mapfile in which I retrive data with Postgis.</DIV>=0D=0A<D=
IV>&gt; I modified the php file as follow: $map =3D ms_newMapObj($map_pat=
h."mymap.map"), but&nbsp;if I try to load it with PHP/Mapscript nothing i=
s displayed.</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>

<p><font face=3DVerdana,Arial size=3D2>----<br>
Email.it, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: <a href=3D"http://www.e=
target=3D"_blank" >clicca qui</a> <br>
Battesimo,  Nascita,  complenanno, laurea  <br>Tante idee utili e prezios=
e per un regalo originale , le trovi su www.regali.it<br>
<a href=3D"http://adv.email.it/cgi-bin/foclick.cgi?mid=3D1498&d=3D26-5" t=
arget=3D"_blank" >Clicca qui</a> </font><br>

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