[Mapserver-users] Re: html-type legends with perl mapscript

Sean Gillies sgillies at frii.com
Tue May 27 09:43:22 EDT 2003

On Monday, May 26, 2003, at 11:00  PM, pkishor_98 wrote:

> Cripes... I am holding a conversation with myself, correcting and 
> wronging myself.
> Now, I have come to the conclusion that I wrote nonsense below...
> so, to those who know... please, what is the difference between 
> createLegendIcon and
> drawLegendIcon?
> I want to draw a separate legend icon for each layer, but if a layer 
> has a more than
> one classes, I would like to be able to draw a single image file with 
> icons for all the
> classes...
> Many tia,
> Puneet.

createLegendIcon makes an imageObj of the proper format and size.
drawLegendIcon draws colors/shapes into the imageObj (passed in
as the 5th argument).

Maybe use Perl-GD or ImageMagick to copy and paste individual
class legendIcons into one image per layer?


Sean Gillies
sgillies at frii dot com

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