[Mapserver-users] (no subject)

Roman Meier roman.meier at gismap.ch
Sat May 17 01:59:43 PDT 2003

Hi list
I have problems using the Rosa-Java-Applet with the
I based the prototype on the following wiki-sample-code:

Sample HTML templates

A plain sample template was posted by Frank Koormann, it can be downloaded

The problem is, that the map-image is not displayed in the applet window at
all. I can see all the buttons but not the map. The mapserver-cgi produced a
correct map-image that was put in the tmp-path.
Another point is that not all rosa-buttons are working correctly. ZoomIn by
rectancle and recentre is not working?

Any ideas? Thanks in advance for your help...

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Telefon/Fax 061 901 34 31
info at gismap.ch, http://www.gismap.ch

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