[Mapserver-users] Line Label Angle

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Tue May 27 14:03:40 PDT 2003

Shannon Scott wrote:
> I imagined the ANGLE AUTO would give me the results I wanted ( Names aligned
> legibly along the street ), but I could not get it to work.
> I have generated some images and made them available to the web.
> The first is what I want:
> The second is what I get from MN MapServer:
> Is there a way to get the result I want?

I've run into this as well not long ago on a RedHat 7.2 system.  The
problem seemed to be between GD 2.0.12 and the freetype2 that comes
bundled with RedHat.  I came to that conclusion because even the test
programs that come with GD had the same font angle problem, so this
confirmed that the problem was not in MapServer.

What I did at the end was remove the freetype2-devel RPM (or whatever it
was called), and then I downloaded and installed the latest freetype2
source... and finally reconfigured and recompiled GD2.0.12 and MapServer
and things worked great.

 Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca
 DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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