[Mapserver-users] How can i show, open, dump the resultcache?

Michael Härtel mhaerte1 at gwdg.de
Wed May 28 06:18:38 PDT 2003

Hi All!

I use follwing code:

$resultcache = $querylayer->resultcache;
$result = $querylayer->getresult(0);

i don't understand why if i use var_dump(variable):

$resultcache is NULL
$numresult is NULL
but $result for example is:
object(stdClass)(3) { ["shapeindex"]=>  int(7658) ["tileindex"]=> 
int(-1) ["classindex"]=>  int(0) }

Obviously the query returns any results but how can i see what results 
if the resultcache is NULL? How can i count the results without having a 

Thanks for any reply.


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