[Mapserver-users] styleObj? member of classObj?

Gerald Buckmaster gbuckmaster at cox.net
Sat May 31 13:54:49 PDT 2003


Trying to understand the 3.7/4.0 documentation in regards to styleObjs.  
Reading the info on styleObj class leads me to believe instances of styleObj 
are always embedded inside the classObj, yet when I look at the members of 
the classObj, I don't see it named:


   string name
   string title
   int    type
   int    status      (MS_ON, MS_OFF or MS_DELETE)
   int    minscale
   int    maxscale
   string template
   labelObj label
   int    numstyles

All I see is a member called numstyles and a method called getStyle().

So how do I "attach" a styleObj to a classObj?  Doesn't seem to be consistent, 
ie the labelObj is named label.

	$cityLabel = $cityCls->label; # I understand
	$cityStyle = $cityCls->???; # no clue


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