[Mapserver-users] cascading transparently from ArcIMS
Daniel Morissette
morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Mon Nov 3 14:25:08 PST 2003
bartvde at xs4all.nl wrote:
> Hi list,
> has anybody succeeded in getting Mapserver to display images from ArcIMS
> in a transparent way?
> I tried using PNG (both 8 and 24 bit) on ArcIMS 4.0, since I do not have a
> GIF license for it. But I cannot get it to display transparently.
> Any info would be appreciated.
> Best regards,
> Bart
> In the WMS client HWOTO it says:
> PNG format with transparent=true does not work well with all servers. For
> instance some servers use the alpha channel for transparency (RGBA images)
> but this is not well supported by MapServer at the moment. So you may be
> forced to request GIF format maps in those cases. Transparent PNGs
> produced by the MapServer WMS work well though since they are paletted
> images.
I believe we've used transparent ArcIMS layers as part of WMS client
maps before and I also thought most of those PNG issues had been
resolved in 4.0, making this note obsolete, but I could be wrong with
both affirmations. If you have a mapfile pointing to public ArcIMS
layers that reproduces this then perhaps you could file a bug and we can
try to have a look.
Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
DM Solutions Group http://www.dmsolutions.ca/
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