[Mapserver-users] Demo
Jean-Claude Moissinac
moissinac+mapserver at enst.fr
Tue Nov 11 09:25:10 PST 2003
Thank you (a little)
It works better.
After converting all .gif images to .png images, I'm going to the next step:
a page with the 'MapServer Demo Interface' title, some radio buttons
and interface elements and a big zone for an image
which doesn't appear. In 'Properties', that zone refers to
'/tmp/DEMO10684762602652.png' which doesn't exist.
But why?
Some help?
humberto at pastoraldacrianca.org.br wrote:
>Citando Jean-Claude Moissinac <moissinac+mapserver at enst.fr>:
>>I'm installing MapServer 4.0 for the first time.
>>I'm unable to run the demo I have downloaded on the site.
>>I search in the FAQ and get the
>>link for a 'new' demo. This link is broken.
>>My problem is with the demo.map file.
>>Wen I click on the Initialize button, I get the message:
>>msLoadMap(): Unknown identifier. Parsing error near (SHADESET):(line 7)
>>If I comment out the SHADESET line, I have the same message on the
>>MARKERSET, then on the LINESET.
>>And so on...
>>Can we help?
>>Thanks in advance.
>>Jean-Claude Moissinac
>Try download the Demo from http://cvs.gis.umn.edu/dist/itasca3.5.tar.gz
>The demo itasca3.3.tar.gz is deprecated for MapServer 4.0
>Humberto Cereser Ibanez
>Pastoral da Criança
>E-Mail enviado pelo Webmail Pastoral da Criança
>usando IMP: http://horde.org/imp/
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