[Mapserver-users] postgis: shp2img working, mapserv not

Matthew Haines mhaines94108 at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 16 15:50:52 EST 2003

I have a situation where shp2img works with a postgis connection and mapserv 
does not.  It appears that postgis support is being properly compiled into 
shp2img, but not into mapserv.

I execute the following from the mapserv-4.0 distribution directory

rm -f /var/www/cgi-bin/mapserv
make clean
./configure --with-postgis=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config --with-ogr 
--with-gdal --with-tiff  --with-gd --with-png --enable-debug
cp mapserv /var/www/cgi-bin/

I put in my .map file a layer with a postgis connection, I execute shp2img, 
and I get a properly drawn map.  But in perl/mapscript

	 $ENV{MS_ERRORFILE} = "/var/log/mapserver.log";
		my $img = $map->draw ();

I get this:

Sun Nov 16 15:56:52 2003 - msPOSTGISLayerOpen(): Query error. 
msPOSTGISLayerOpen called but unimplemented!  (mapserver not compiled with 
postgis support)
Sun Nov 16 15:56:52 2003 - msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw 
layer named 'bk_taxlots'.
Sun Nov 16 15:56:52 2003 - msPOSTGISLayerClose(): Query error. 
msPOSTGISLayerClose called but unimplemented!(mapserver not compiled with 
postgis support)

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