[Mapserver-users] mappostgis.c for MapServer 3.6.6/Postgres7.3
Möri Cédric
Cedric.Moeri at bd.so.ch
Tue Nov 18 09:12:41 PST 2003
Dear list
we are running in a problem as i described in a other mail to the list (see
below). meanwhile i investigated some more on this topic and found the
we are running MapServer3.6.6 and like to change to postgresql7.3.
postgresql apparently changed the way in which EXPLAIN returns information.
There should be a patch for supporting postgres7.3 functionality for the
mappostgis.c of MapServer3.6.6 (the download tarball isn't uptodate I think
:-( )
May anyone provide me the patched/uptodate mappostgis.c file?
thanks a lot in advance
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Möri Cédric [mailto:Cedric.Moeri at bd.so.ch]
Gesendet am: Dienstag, 18. November 2003 15:10
An: 'mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu'
Cc: Düster Horst
Betreff: [Mapserver-users] (no subject)
Dear list!
we are running Mapserver as cgi with postgis as db. While in browse-mode
everything is ok, but when changing in query-mode, the following error shows
msPOSTGISLayerGetShape(): Query error. Error executing POSTGIS SQL
statement (in FETCH ALL): EXPLAIN VERBOSE SELECT * FROM geo_gemeinden
I found a discussion in the archive about this topic between Ignacio
Laplagne and David Blasby, but no answer
we are using MapServer 3.6.6, postgreSQL 7.3.4, PostGIS CVS(7th nov 03). So
I looks we are running in this postgresql handling problem with "explain
verbose". David Blasby states that this problem shoud be fixed. But in which
"version" of the mappostgis.c? Our version dates from 15. November 2002.
Should it be fixed in this version or are there more recent ones? Or is this
"bug" still travelling around?
thanks for any hint in advance
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