[Mapserver-users] using one classification for multiple layers

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Nov 18 12:36:44 PST 2003

bartvde at xs4all.nl wrote:
> What I want would mean introducing a new object called e.g. CLASSIFICATION
> which is composed of several CLASS objects. Layers could then define a
> CLASSIFICATION or multiple CLASS objects (as they do now).

Sean Gillies wrote:
>>But it would be useful.  One way to implement this would be to extend
>>map file structure to allow nesting of layers, a concept that already
>>exists in WMS.  Define classes in a top-level layer (kinda like a group)
>>and the sub-layers inherit the classes.  However, this would involve
>>significant changes to MapServer.

I think the CLASSIFICATION idea (or whatever we call a block of classes) 
  would cause much less chaos in MapServer than nesting layers. (Even 
though nesting layers may be nice for some reasons.)

My 0.02$

  Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca
  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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