[Mapserver-users] MapLab 2.1 -rc3 installation problems.

Zak James zak-ms at hoppsan.org
Fri Nov 28 08:42:39 PST 2003

Can you provide some additional information?

What web browser are you using to view the map browser?

Can you check that the fonts file referenced by your map is present? 
Also, make sure that any fonts required by the layers in your map file 
are referenced in that fonts file.

If all of that looks ok, you can try making the paths to the symbol and 
fonts files in the map absolute rather than relative (e.g. ./data would 
become /<maplab-dir>/data). On some platforms, Mapserver 4.0 has 
problems with relative paths.

Ideally, these problems would result in more instructive error 
messages. We hope to be able to address that before the final release 
of 2.1.

Zak James
Applications and Software Development
DM Solutions Group Inc.

On Nov 28, 2003, at 8:22 AM, Martin Kiuru wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a problem with Maplab installation and tutorial project. Maplab
> generally works, but with the following problems :
> - Browser main window shows only a white screen - not map. Only after
> some movements/zooms around the map image appears.
> - Map preview not working - appears new window with following errors :
> Warning: [MapServer Error]: msGetLabelSize(): Could not find/open font
> in C:\Program Files\Apache
> Group\Apache2\htdocs\maplab\htdocs\mapedit\preview.php on line 469 
> Fatal
> error: Call to a member function on a non-object in C:\Program
> Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\maplab\htdocs\mapedit\preview.php on
> line 474
> -Following error appears in map browser
> Error Parsing tutorial.map
> Description
> Could not find/open font in /maplab/htdocs/common/wrapper/drawmap.php
> Please advice! Here is the configuration of my test server :
> Windows 2000 SP4
> MapLab (2.1 -rc3)
> Mapserver 4.0
> Apache 2.0.48
> PHP 4.3.4
> Martin Kiuru

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