[Mapserver-users] RE: Oracle 8.1.7 & MapServer HowTo XP/2000

Menno Schepel mschepel at gis.nl
Thu Oct 2 13:23:35 PDT 2003

Hi Flavio,

Thanks for the response. I did not have so much trouble getting Oracle
9i installed (I think). The main features are running, so I think I can
skip the first part of your mail.

The part about MapServer. I guess this was before MapServer published a
precompiled Win32 executable on their website (v4.0 with Oracle
support), or does the situation that you describe still exists?

I will look into the thing about the SQLNET_AUTHENTICATION. Although I
am not sure if this still exists in Oracle 9i.

The structure that you describe for the mapfile I implemented already,
with the only difference that the geometry column that you describe
(geom etc.) seems to have changed.
Also I am not sure yet what to do with the srid number. It seems that
most of the "peculiarities" that you describe about Oracle Spatial have
changed with the new version. 

I will post results if I have found something.

Thanks for now,


-----Original Message-----
From: Flavio Hendry [mailto:flavio at tydac.ch] 
Sent: 02 October 2003 18:10
To: mschepel at gis.nl
Subject: Fwd: Oracle 8.1.7 & MapServer HowTo XP/2000

Hi Menno

Maybe the below helps (see especially MapServer Part, Item 2)

===8<==============Original message text===============
Hi List

First many thanks to Assefa, Daniel and ... Google ...

Daniel Morisette told me to report the way to get the monster running
with XP/2000 and MapServer. No guarantee whatsoever that your computer
won't explode .... ;-) ...

The Oracle part:

A: You will not be able to install Oracle on a PC under Win 2000 or
Win XP - just won't do anything - known bug, do as follows:
1 - Copy your Oracle CD into hard disk in your
machine. For example Copy from oracle8i CD into "C:\tmp\orainst" ...
(on some sites I found not to call this dir "oracle")
2 - Search the two files named Symcjit.dll in the dir where you
have copied Oracle8i. You can found them in (example): 
or use search option in the c:\oracle directory to find 2 files
symcjit.dll to 
3 - Rename this file (Example): symcjit_back.dll (make sure to find
two files and rename them) 
4 - Execute the Oracle setup.exe from C:\Oracle\setup.exe and follow
the instructions ...

B: on Win XP, when rebooting you might get the constantly showing up
ugly error that java.exe crashed. To stop that go into the win admin
toool / services and stop the "Oracle HTTPServer" Service and set it
to manual.

The MapServer Part:

1. Download and install MapServer Oracle Compilation from DM Solutions
(I don't know it DM leaves the files there however, worst case contact
me ...):

mapserver/php_mapscript (php4.3.2) build with Oracle oci
librairies (8.1.7) at

The zip contains the exe file of mapserver, php_mapscript_40.dll and

Note that php_mapscript_40.dll is build with links to other libraries
like xerces, pdf, .... So you need to download those dll and install
them. The best approch is to download and install first the zip at
and then replace the exe and the php_mapscript_40.dll with the new ones.

2. there will be an additional thing to fix in oracle:
Obviously this is a well know feature (bug). After a successfull
installation of Oracle 8.1.7 you have to change


in sqlnet.ora (search for this file in the dir where you installed

3. Map-File, looks i.e. like that:

    CONNECTION "chur/chur at demo"
    CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial
    DATA "geoloc from Bodenbedeckung using srid 262148"
    GROUP "AV"
    NAME "Bodenbedeckung"
                NAME "Gebaeude"
                EXPRESSION "Gebaeude"
                COLOR 255 255 220
                OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
                TEMPLATE ttt.htm

Some things to be explained:
- chur/chur at demo are userid/password at service
- "geoloc" is the Geometry column Oracle uses (sometimes GEOM or
whatever ...)
- the srid number you'll find in the table called
SDO_GEOM_METADAT_TABLE or in any Table under the register called

Hope it helps if somebody has to go through the same nightmare  ...

Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards
Flavio Hendry

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############      Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards
############       Flavio Hendry- mailto:flavio at tydac.ch
############         TYDAC AG - http://www.tydac.ch
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