[Mapserver-users] Building GDAL with Xerces on Redhat 9

Armin Burger armin.burger at libero.it
Thu Oct 2 15:34:19 PDT 2003


I compiled Gdal 1.1.9 with Xerces 1.7.0 using

 --with-xerces --with-xerces-lib="-L/usr/local/lib -lxerces-c1_7_0

and it worked fine. I don't know if the '--with-xerces-lib' is absolutely


> Hi,

> I'm trying to build a development version of MapServer 4.1 with WFS
> SERVER support so I can test using complex filters. I'd use a Windows
> binary if one was available, but since it isn't, I'm trying to put it
> a RH9 box here, the only Linux box that I have available.

> I can't seem to get GDAL to build with Xerces-C. I noticed a thread
> earlier this year about this that seemed to indicate that GDAL 1.1.8
> must be used with Xerces-C 1.6.0. Is that the only valid combination
> allowed, or has GDAL been updated to support newer versions of Xerces?

> An idea: The installation docs should have a version matrix, specifying
> the exact versions of all the supporting libraries that should be used
> when building a specific version of MapServer.

> Does anyone have any tips on installing this? Would anytone be willing
> to look at my installation logs to see if anything jumps out at them?

> Regards,
> Doug
> --
> Doug Cates
> Moxi Media Inc.
> 757 - 1641 Lonsdale Avenue
> North Vancouver, BC, Canada V7M 2J5
> Phone:  604-984-8109
> Fax:    604-608-4764
> E-mail: doug at moximedia.com
> Web:    www.moximedia.com

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