[Mapserver-users] How to convert a CSV data to shapefile

Sean Gillies sgillies at frii.com
Sat Oct 4 11:13:01 PDT 2003


For OGR to support vectors in a CSV format, there would have to be
some standard schema.  Which column has x, which y, is there a z
coordinate?  And what to do about attributes?

It's so simple to run the Python interpreter, import OGR, re, sys
and start converting.  I highly recommend this to Mario.


On Friday, October 3, 2003, at 03:43  PM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

> I'm working on something that will help to do just that using Python 
> and
> OGR (http://gdal.maptools.org/ogr/) or maybe just Python and Shapelib
> directly.
> I think it would be great if OGR supported reading/writing CSV format, 
> then
> you could use it to go between all the supported formats:
> http://www.remotesensing.org/gdal/ogr/ogr_formats.html
> Tyler
>> On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 20:21, Mario Servin wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>     I have aset of points in lat, lon format that i want to
>> represent a plygon in a shapefile. Is there any free tool I can use 
>> for
> that?
>>>     Regards,
>>>                 Mario
Sean Gillies
sgillies at frii dot com

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