[Mapserver-users] FW: WMS Client for ArcView 3.X

Howard Mark MHoward at spaceimaging.com
Thu Oct 9 15:15:29 PDT 2003


Thanks for you work on this project!
Transparency is going to be a real issue for any 24 bit color images in
As far as I know there is no way of setting a color to transparent for 3
band images.
Grayscale (8bit) JPGs are no problem -- you can set any grayscale value to
This applies (I think) as well to single-band pseudocolor images with
colormaps -- but finding a single color value is not easily done if the
color is not white or black.
(say I want to make the AQUA features transparent?)

HOWEVER setting any image to be .. say 50% transparent (really translucent)
is not possible according to what I have read. This is really what you want
to be able to do with multiple OGC/WMS image layers.
You can do this in ArcMap and it's a great feature to use with multiple
WMS/ArcIMS layers.

Another ArcView3x solution is to use a cascading map server - such as
CubeServe - to assemble the layers into a single map image -- always using a
white or black background.

I think ultimately the translucency processing will have to be performed
outside of arcview.
That would be a really trick feature - a sliding transparency control!

Anyone having more insight on transparency capabilities in ArcView3x is
ENCOURAGED to contribute!!!!


-----Original Message-----
From: Shane Nelson [mailto:snelson at refractions.net]
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 1:25 PM
To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Cc: julia.harrell at ncmail.net
Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] FW: WMS Client for ArcView 3.X

-----Original Message-----
From: Julia Harrell [mailto:julia.harrell at ncmail.net]
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 2:24 PM
To: julia.harrell at ncmail.net
Subject: RE: WMS Client for ArcView 3.X

> Does anyone have any workarounds or suggestions for fooling
> the colormaps into thinking that 255,255,255 is the
> 'transparent' color, so I can look at more than one layer
> At a time ?

Sorry, the WMS Client for Arcview 3 doesn't support transparent images yet.
plan to add this functionality to the Pro version.

In the meantime you can fool it into creating a transparent layer.  

This example works with the "Mars Landings.ogc" and "Mars Topography.ogc"
were installed in the Examples folder with the latest beta.  Load those two
files as separate themes, then select the Mars Landings.ogc theme.  

Open the Image Legend Editor by double clicking on the "Mars Landings.ogc"
theme.  Select "Single Band" then click the colormap button.  Press the
button.  Now the second color in the list should be white. Now set the white
color to be transparent by double clicking on the white color and selecting
(the first color, white with an X through it) color in the colormap.  

Now you should be able to view the landings over top of the topography.  

> stashing its' images? I'm seeing a lot of ximg.bip & ximg.hdr
> files in my Documents and Settings\xxx\Local Settings\Temp
> directory that have the right timestamps - is this them?
> I tried opening them in Irfanview and PSP, but neither
> could read them, and I tried loading them into Arcview,
> but get nothing viewable....

That's the right location. The .bip file contains the image in RAW RGB

To open them in PSP8 you would have to select the RAW image type then
enter the width/height, color channels and file structure information.  This
easily done, most of the information you need is stored in the associated
.hdr file.   

For now all the information except the width/height is the same for all
.bip images the extension creates.  Color channels should be set to "Three
RGB", Header Size is 0, "Interleaved (RGB RGB ..." should be selected. The
should be "Order RGB" and "Flipped (bottom up)" should NOT be selected.


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