[Mapserver-users] PDF How to for Perl Mapscript?

Steve Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Fri Oct 10 10:54:25 PDT 2003

The stuff in the WIKI for PHP is directly applicable to Perl. You can
see an example
I wrote in Perl at:


One other option that should work is to capitalize on the OUTPUTFORMAT
Then when you save an image to a file a PDF file is written. That
*should* work from
any MapScript version but I've not tried it myself.


>>> "Lowell Filak" <lfilak at medinaco.org> 10/10/2003 12:04:07 PM >>>
To create PDF's there are two basic options:
1) "Build true vector pdf's using the shp2pdf program" - SL.
2) "Use pdflib in conjunction with MapServer raster output to build a

For #1 a "system" call could be used.
For #2 Perl has the following interface to pdflib - 

If choosing PHP I believe there is a Howto located in the wiki.


The following message was sent by "Stephen Clark"
<stephen.clark at focus.ca> on Fri, 10 Oct 2003 09:32:48 -0700.

> hello,
> I would like to generate PDF files using Mapserver 4.0 using PERL
> Is this possible?
> Or should I use PHP?
> thanks,
> Stephen
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