[Mapserver-users] Integrating MapServ with Another Existing map server.

Omry Yadan omry at telmap.com
Wed Oct 15 02:00:17 PDT 2003

Here is the scenario of my problem:
First two definitions: 
1. TMS - Telmap map server, a proprietary map server developed by the
company I work for.

2. RMS - Raster map server, the map server CGI you all know, (I know it can 
do vectors too, but I only care about the raster for now).

TMS sends vector data in a proprietary format and in a proprietary
projection to a java map client that renders it.
I need to integrate raster data from RMS into this system - more
specifically, I want to combine data from TMS with raster data from RMS, and
to render the vector data over the raster data in the client.

My current problem is the coordinate system and units in which to request
the raster map.
My client understands LatLong, and the proprietary projection (and can
convert from one to the other), and RMS understands LatLong and many other
projections my client currently does not.
So one clear solution will be to use LatLong as the common coordinate
system. (Have the client request maps using LatLong bounding box - does it
even make sense?).
Another option I see is to teach my client to convert to the projection used
in the specific project I am working on, but it's a solution I don't like,
because it means more development whenever I get raster data which is in a
different coordinate system.

I would appreciate any suggestions / Insight about this issues.


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