[Mapserver-users] Help to configure Itasca application

Felipe Amorelli famorelli at construtel-sti.com.br
Fri Oct 17 12:30:19 PDT 2003


I´m new with mapserver and I´m trying to put the Demo application running in
my Linux server (Mandrake 9.1)

The mapserver is correctly installed and configured, but I´m having problems
to configure the itasca demo application.

when I run the demo_init.html I have the following message :

MapServer Demo Interface

Click on the initialize button to fire up the demo with 3 layers turned on
will be accessible for browsing. The data are of Itasca County, MN and were
derived, for the most part, from USGS 1:24,000 quadrangles. Some things to
note are: 


Then When I click on the initialize button I´ve got the following error
message :

msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined overlay symbol
"symbols/ctyhwy.gif" in class 0, style 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno.
msAddImageSymbol(): General error message. Unable to load GIF symbol. 

I´ve check the paths that I setted in the demo_init.html file but I´m not
sure if it´s correctly setted.

Could somebody help me ?

I´m installing Mapserver 4.0 and itasca 3.5

Thanks in advance,

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