[Mapserver-users] Query(ByAttribut) with different items

Nicol Hermann mapserver at geochem.de
Mon Oct 20 11:15:59 PDT 2003

Hi List,

i there's a way to do an Query(ByAttribut) with different items?
My understanding of the queryByAttributes method is, that only one qitem
and qstring is allowed. So, is there's a way to do this with more the
one items?

I want to do something similar like the following setexpression

$query ="('[CITY_NAME]' = 'Berlin' OR [M6]>5)";
$poClass -> setExpression("$query");

with a Query, so that i am able to get all values/extents with 
the $layer->getResult($i) function.

Maybe the setFilter(string expression) method is the solution but i
don't know how to use it?

Thanks in advance for any hints
Nicol Hermann

Nicol Hermann <mapserver at geochem.de>

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