[Mapserver-users] Gdaladdo

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Tue Oct 21 11:08:08 EDT 2003

Omry Yadan wrote:
> As I suspected...
> I did not properly benchmark MapServer yet, but I noticed that sometimes
> image generation takes much more time for images in high 'zoom'.
> As long as 8-9 seconds some times, compared to 1-1.5 second for other maps..
> Why do you think that is? Any suggestions how to improve it?


There are many factors that could account for that.  I assume by "high zoom"
you mean "zoomed out", is that right?  Is this primarily working with ECW

Even though the ECW technology supports efficient extraction of reduced
resolution images, I don't think that the GDAL ECW driver takes proper
advantage of this capability.  I imagine that is why overview generation
is relatively slow.

If server disk space isn't a big issues I would suggest converting the
ecw files to GeoTIFF and building overviews.  Alternatively we could look
at improving the ECW driver in GDAL to be optimized for MapServer use, but
I don't have the time or unfunded inclination to work on that at this time.

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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