[Mapserver-users] mapscript: removing layer from MapObj

Sean Gillies sgillies at frii.com
Tue Oct 28 07:05:15 PST 2003

On Tuesday, October 28, 2003, at 07:20  AM, Christoph Spoerri wrote:

> Hi,
> I searched the mailing list and the web but didn't find a good way to 
> remove
> an existing layer from a MapObj (I'm using PHP mapscripts).
> What I'm trying to accomplish: I have a map with multiple layers on 
> it. I
> would like to store this object in a session, so that it can be 
> retrieved
> again the next time a user sends a request (e.g. zooming in). One of 
> those
> requests is to remove one or more layers from the map, yet in order to 
> do
> this I would like to have a function/method similar to
> MapObj::removeLayer(LayerIndex). Anyway to accomplish this in such a 
> fashion?
> I know, I could work with a basic mapfile and then just add the 
> necessary
> layers, but this is rather 'backwards' in my opinion and requires me 
> to keep
> track of existing layers and a bunch of other variables (I actually 
> wrote a
> few classes that to that).
> Also, I took a look at the mapscript source code, and it seems that
> implementing a removeLayer() method shouldn't be to hard (I wouldn't 
> mind
> taking a stab at it). Or do I miss something?
> Thanks for your help,
> Christoph


Layer and class removal has been implemented in the Python/Perl (SWIG)
MapScript.  Look at mapserver/mapscript/mapscript.i for examples.


Sean Gillies
sgillies at frii dot com

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