[Mapserver-users] Zoom In to a defined area

Lowther, David W dlowther at ou.edu
Wed Sep 3 08:56:46 EDT 2003


First - yes, it is correct to set IMGEXT.

Your problem is with javascript - that was my biggest hurdle also.

What you want to do is:
A - get the value of the selected element of the combo box
B - assign it to imgext in your mapserv form
C - submit the form.

Only javascript could make this difficult...

Try this:

function AreaSelected(){
	msForm = document.myform;
	newExtent =
	msForm.imgext.value = newExtent;


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff L. [mailto:nf10 at hotmail.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 7:34 AM
> To: dlowther at ou.edu; palle at mail-online.dk; 
> mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
> Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] Zoom In to a defined area
> Hi Palle and David,
> I tried to change my code by setting mapext to the ViewArea 
> value, but no 
> success so far.
> When i select an option from my combo box, the map is 
> redrawed but with the 
> old mapext value.
> It's seems that i'm not setting correctly the new mapext. 
> MapServer is using 
> it's mapext value not the one i'm setting.
> I'm using this code snippet. Any help how to set correctly mapext is 
> appreciated.
> function AreaSelected()
> {
>       if (document.forms[0].ViewArea.selectedIndex != 0 &&
>           document.forms[0].ViewArea.selectedIndex !=1)
>          {
>             mapext = document.forms[0].ViewArea.value;
>             document.forms[0].submit();
>         }
> }
> ...
> <form method=GET action="[program]" name=myform>
> ...
> <SELECT NAME="ViewArea"  onChange="AreaSelected()">
>    <OPTION VALUE="">Go to</OPTION>
>    <OPTION VALUE="">- - - - - - - - - - - - - </OPTION>
>    <OPTION VALUE="-180 45 180 90">Area 1</OPTION>
>    <OPTION VALUE="-180 0 180 45">Area 2</OPTION>
> </SELECT >
> ...
> <input type="hidden" name="imgxy" value="299.5 299.5">
> <input  type="hidden" name="imgext" value="[mapext]"> // Is 
> this is correct 
> ?
> ....
> </form>
> Jeff Lacoste
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