[Mapserver-users] metadata object?

Michael Schulz mschulz at webgis.de
Sat Sep 6 08:49:53 PDT 2003

what would be the correct way to access the metadata of map and layer 
objects via mapscript, if you don't know the names of the metadata 

Is there a function like getMetaData(), that doesn't take a name but 
returns a list of all metadata entries for the object?
Just curious.

Cheers, Michael
Michael Schulz                                in medias res
Dipl.-Geologe                              Gesellschaft für
                                 Informationstechnologie mbH
                                      In den Weihermatten 66
		                             79108 Freiburg
                                      0761 55695-95 (Fax 96)
mschulz at webgis.de              www.webgis.de/www.zopecms.de

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