[Mapserver-users] OGC-compliant WMS-server delivering dynamiclayers with MS?

Debbie Pagurek pagurekd at agr.gc.ca
Wed Sep 17 12:36:44 PDT 2003

Hi Tom,
there isn't an API/class for OGC specs that I know of but I'm sure
someone out there could make one - good project.

I simply made a 'process' function that went through the name/value
pairs of the OGC compliant URL to extract what I needed to create the
mapfile and produce the desired image.  The script also has a section to
respond to the 'request' parameter - either GetMap, GetCapabilities, or

I'm willing to share code if you want it - just let me know and give me
a chance to clean it up a little.


>>> <Tom.Kralidis at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca> 09/17/03 03:17PM >>>


Thanks for the info.  This is something that I've been interested in
some time, that is providing WMS for real-time data (earthquakes,
readings, etc.) which is not necesarily available through the mapserv
WMS interface.

Does PHP/Mapscript provide an API/class for OGC specifications?



Tom Kralidis
Systems Scientist
Canada Centre for Remote Sensing
Tel: +01-613-947-1828

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Debbie Pagurek [mailto:pagurekd at agr.gc.ca] 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 1:44 PM
> To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu;
ter-haseborg at sf-datentechnik.de 
> Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] OGC-compliant WMS-server delivering
> dynamic layers with MS?
> It is definitely possible to create a WMS service that can access
> lat/long fields from a database.  We are using PHP/Mapscript 
> to do this.
>  The php script looks at the name/value pairs in the request 
> and returns
> an image.
> For example, in the example below, we are passing the name of a
> taxon as the Layer name (Cyanocitta cristata).  The php script then
> creates a mapfile on the fly, retrieves the Cyanocitta cristata
> from the database, adds the lat/long coordinates as feature 
> (POINTS) to
> the map, creates an image in the format specified in the url request,

> and then returns the image
>   $theheader="Location: http://thehost".$image_url;
>     Header($theheader);
> http://wms1.agr.gc.ca/mapdata/itis/testscript.php?VERSION=1.1.
> 0&REQUEST=GetMap&Layers=Cyanocitta%20cristata&SRS=EPSG:42304&B
> BOX=-2750560,-936638,3583870,4673120&WIDTH=339&HEIGHT=300&FORM
> AT=image/png
> The one problem we have had with this application is the
> GetCapabilities.  We have over 100,000 taxa available for mapping,
> we don't want to generate such a large getcapabilities document that
> lists the each taxon as a layer.  So instead we have a 'dummy'
> getcapabilities document that is returned from
> http://wms1.agr.gc.ca/mapdata/itis/testscript.php?VERSION=1.0.
> 0&REQUEST=GetCapabilities
>  This document provides instructions on how to formulate the getmap
> request e.g. Layers=Abudefduf or Layers=Cyanocitta cristata.
> Some of the WMS viewers that are available out there on the internet
> seem to automatically go to the getCapabilities request, even if you
> enter a getmap request.  Because of that, there has been some 
> difficulty
> using our WMS in some online mapping applications.  That being said,
> however, it is very easy to use our getmap requests in Web Map
> documents that can combine the point distribution maps on top of
> layers.  These web map context documents can be that can be 
> loaded into
> applications that handle those types of documents..
> Good luck with your work!
> Debbie Pagurek
> >>> "Frieso ter Haseborg" <ter-haseborg at sf-datentechnik.de> 09/17/03
> 11:56AM >>>
> Hi,
> I'm searching for possibilities to use MS for building an
> OGC-compliant
> WMS-service which creates and serves dynamic layers from data out of
> RDBMS. These RDBMS do NOT have any spatial-extensions it's just the
> "x,y-coordinate & label-data"-thing. 
> So what I want to do: retrieve the coordinates from my databases and
> create one or more dynamic layers. I did some experiments with
> PHP/MapScript, no major problems so far, that seems to be the easier
> part.
> The problem comes here: I don't want to create these layers in any
> client-app, I want to have these layers served by the mapserver,
> I
> have to incorporate other servers e.g. ArcIMS which have to use and
> process this layers through OGC-requests. Any ideas?
> Are there any possibilities to create dynamic layers from RDBMS e.g.
> Sybase ASA, MS SQL Server, Oracle without spatial-extensions I
> overlooked, besides doing this in PHP/MapScript?
> Are there any hooks or entry-points in the mapserv-cgi to process
> customized-operations like creating the mentioned dynamic layers?
> Any comment and hint would be appreciated!
> TIA,
> Frieso ter Haseborg
> - Software Development - 
> --
> -------------------------------------------------- 
> S&F Datentechnik GmbH&Co.KG 
> Reimersstr. 41b 
> 26789 Leer, Germany
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