[Mapserver-users] fail to use mapserver 4.0 demo

Dylan Keon keon at nacse.org
Tue Sep 23 08:58:08 PDT 2003


You will have to take care of that on your own.  This archived post 
should help: 


Ziying Sherwin wrote:
> Thanks for the help. It worked. 
> However, it created lots of image files under the directory specified by
> map_web_imagepath variable. Does mapserver have any mechanism to clean up
> those files periodically? Or do we have to do that on our own?
> On Mon, 22 Sep 2003, Patrick J Barabe wrote:
>>I think this has to do with the lack of a GIF licence (my best guess).
>>I resolved this problem by converting all the GIF images in the demo to
>>PNG format, then altering the .map file accordingly.
>>hope that helps,
>>patrick barabe
>>On Mon, 22 Sep 2003, Ziying Sherwin wrote:
>>>Dear Mapserver Gurus,
>>>We have been trying to build mapserver 4.0 from source on a SPARC computer
>>>under Solaris 2.8, using gcc 3.3, and would deeply appreciate your advice
>>>about a problem we have been having.  First, the details of our installation.
>>>We are compiling it with the following adjunct libraries:
>>>   curl 7.10.5
>>>   freetype 2.1.4
>>>   gd 2.0.15
>>>   gdal 1.1.8
>>>   jpeg 6b
>>>   libgeotiff 1.2.1
>>>   libiconv 1.8
>>>   libpng
>>>   pdflib 5.0.1
>>>   proj.4 4.4.7
>>>   tiff 3.6.0b2
>>>   xpm
>>>   zlib 1.1.4
>>>We configured it as follows:
>>>./configure --prefix=/depot/package/mapserver_4.0/vendor \
>>>            --with-jpeg=/depot/package/jpeg_6b \
>>>            --with-gd=/depot/package/gd_2.0.15 \
>>>            --with-freetype=/depot/package/freeptype_2.1.4/bin \
>>>            --with-zlib=/depot/package/zlib_1.1.4 \
>>>            --with-png=/depot/package/libpng_1.2.5 \
>>>            --with-xpm=/depot/package/xpm_3.4k \
>>>            --with-pdf=/depot/package/pdflib_5.0.1 \
>>>            --with-tiff=/depot/package/tiff_3.6.0b2 \
>>>            --with-proj=/depot/package/proj_4.4.7/vendor \
>>>            --with-gdal=/depot/package/gdal_1.1.8/vendor/bin/gdal-config \
>>>            --with-curl-config=/depot/package/curl_7.10.5/vendor/bin/curl-config \
>>>            --enable-ignore-missing-data \
>>>            --enable-runpath
>>>After compiling the package, we installed the binary "mapserv" into our
>>>Apache cgi-bin directory.  We then installed the itasca3.5 demo into the
>>>htdocs directory and edited the file "demo_init.html" to refer to the
>>>correct directories.  When we tried to test the installation by visiting
>>>the URL:
>>>   http://etg.nlm.nih.gov/service/mapserver/demo_init.html
>>>We saw a document containing the following message:
>>>   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>   |                       MapServer Demo Interface                          |
>>>   |                                                                         |
>>>   | Click on the initialize button to fire up the demo with 3 layers turned |
>>>   | on will be accessible for browsing. The data are of Itasca County, MN   |
>>>   | and were derived, for the most part, from USGS 1:24,000 quadrangles.    |
>>>   | Some things to note are:                                                |
>>>   |                                                                         |
>>>   |                             Initialize                                  |
>>>   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>After pressing the "Initialize" button, we observed the following error
>>>   msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined overlay symbol "symbols/ctyhwy.gif" in class 0, style 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno.
>>>   msAddImageSymbol(): General error message. Unable to load GIF symbol.
>>>   msInitGDALOutputFormat(): General error message. GDAL `GTiff' driver does not support output.
>>>We are baffled here.  Can you help explain the meaning of these messages,
>>>and guide us in getting the installation working properly?
>>>Our sincere thanks in advance for any helpful remarks!
>>>Ziying Sherwin (sherwin at nlm.nih.gov)
>>>RPC Rodgers (rodgers at nlm.nih.gov)

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