Does MapServe handle HDF files?

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Thu Aug 5 11:06:00 PDT 2004

MapServer doesn't do this per se. However, one of the toolsets MapServer is
built on top of probably can. I would recommend you checkout GDAL at: 


>>> matt2 at ROFFS.COM 8/5/2004 10:52:00 AM >>>
Greetings, let me explain my situation and I would like to get your input
and suggestions.  

I need to take raw satellite imagery HDF files (from for
example) extract the band we need (chlorophyll, sst, etc...) and convert
them to tiff files (or geotiff) so they can be used in GIS and Photoshop.
Most importantly, we have to transform them to Mercator Cylindrical
projection in a WGS 72 datum.  Do you have any ideas on the best way to
tackle this?   I have some ideas, but we do not have the resources here (no
UNIX machine or IDL or MATLAB (yet)).  We have Windows (PC) and mainly
I have played around with downloading and experimenting with different
software (CDAT, HDFview, Hdf-EOS to GIS conversion, and HDFLook (which I
can¹t even get to work)) with no luck yet.  Thanks so much for your time and
let me know if MapServer does this sort of task.

Matt Upton

Matthew A. Upton
Satellite Imagery Analyst/Fisheries Oceanographer
Roffer¹s Ocean Fishing Forecasting Service, Inc. (ROFFS)
2871 S.W. 69th Court, Miami, FL  33155
matt2 at 

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