Start with any lat/long and end with a map

Jacob Blankenship jhblankenship at YAHOO.COM
Thu Aug 12 13:36:51 PDT 2004

Tom, I appreciate your reply. I'm starting with a
lat/long coordinate in the U.S.A and wanting to
display a map of the local area at this point with
various layers of GIS data. But the data a have from
ESRI is by state and county and I don't know how load
the correct file for display.

Thank you for your thoughts,

--- Ed McNierney <ed at TOPOZONE.COM> wrote:

> Jacob -
> You'll need to explain what you mean by "resolving".
>  What data do you
> have that you're trying to map?
>         - Ed
> Ed McNierney
> President and Chief Mapmaker
> / Maps a la carte, Inc.
> 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305
> North Chelmsford, MA  01863
> Phone: +1 978 251-4242   Fax: +1 978 251-1396
> -----Original Message-----
> From: UMN MapServer Users List
> Behalf Of Jacob Blankenship
> Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 12:57 PM
> Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Start with any
> lat/long and end with a
> map
> All, How would I go about resolving a lat/long (for
> any point in N.
> America or the world) to display a map using
> MapServer 4.2? Geocoding?
> Is there a WMS that can help with this? If necessary
> I can host the GIS
> data and a DBMS.
> Thanks,
> Jacob Blankenship
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