PDF Output

Wed Aug 18 10:18:12 PDT 2004

Well it looks like nobody has answered this yet so here is how I do it:

function MakePdfDoc($gbPdfPath){
        GLOBAL $m_Map;
        GLOBAL $gbBDisplayPdfLink;
        //this function is just a wrapper that I use to get the maps cuurrent
        //you can do this however you want
        $Bounds = GetCurrentBounds();
        //Set the width and hieght to reflect the resolution I want in the PDF
        //set the map extent
        //change the output format I use gif as my map format but it doesn't go to
pdf well
        //so change to png for this
        //This function simply loops through my layer settings and makes sure
everything I want
        //in the pdf is currently set to ON
        //draw the image
        $imgToPdf = $m_Map->draw();
        //save the image
        $urlForPng = $imgToPdf->saveWebImage();
        //create a new pdf memory chunk and get a handle to it
        $my_pdf = pdf_new();
        //open it for write
        //the path format for this cannot be relative
        //so in IIS i concatenate this with the relative path returned by
        //$imgToPdf->saveWebImage(); and that gives me the full path to the image
        $wroot = "C:/somedir/somedir/somedir/";
        //open the image file and get a handle to that binary read content
        $element = pdf_open_image_file($my_pdf,"png",$urlForPng);
        //start a new page in the pdf
        //place the image into the page
        //close the read of the image
        //end the page
        //close the pdf for write
        //extract the pdf contents into a variable
        $data = pdf_get_buffer($my_pdf);
        //reset the map for web drawing and redraw it
        //at this point our pdf is simply a buffer in memory it doesn't have an
        //file on the server so I create a file on the server in a temp directory
and push
        //the pdf buffer to it. I have a function that generates a unique pdf path
for their session
        //so one session can write multiple pdfs but they simply overwrite the last
one that user
        //created. This ensures that they can't clog my server with pdf's. If they
don't choose
        //to download it then the next time they create one it will overwrite their
last one.
        $handle = fopen($gbPdfPath,"w");
        //close the file now we have a pdf on the server
        //I use this flag to set whether or not to display a pdf link in a cell
        //on my web page that points to the newly created pdf.
        $gbBDisplayPdfLink = TRUE;

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