working with zoompoint using geographic coordinates {Scanned} {Scanned}

Siki Zoltan siki at AGT.BME.HU
Fri Aug 27 18:40:29 EDT 2004


You can do it with cgi mapserver. Check mapxy, scale, mapsize, etc.
cgi variables. You can create a form with input fileds having the name
of the mapserver cgi variables (some hidden field neccessary e.g. map) and
submit it to the maserv cgi. You can use javascript to checkthe input


On Fri, 27 Aug 2004, Bob Cook wrote:

> I'm relatively new to mapserver, so I may be trying to do something that
> can't be done easily.
> I would like my map of the United States and its territories to have a
> feature that allows a user to type in a latitude and longitude in form
> input fields (e.g., lat: 40N long: 88W), then have the map pan to that
> point, and zoom in.
> Is there any way of doing this?
> Thanks,
> -Bob Cook

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