Problem compiling MapServer/MapScript

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Wed Dec 1 00:44:09 EST 2004

Roberto Horst wrote:
> Hello guys!
> I had tried several times to compile MapServer(many versions) with PHP
> on a Solaris 2.8, but it never generates the shared object
> ""!!

Do you get any error message when you type make?

Could you please tell us what you get for the values of CC, LD, CFLAGS
and PHP_SRC_DIR at the top of mapscript/php3/Makefile?

The is the last thing that is built by the makefiles,
so you could look at the end of the 'make' output for the command that
builds it and see if any error message is produced or if you notice
anything that could help in figuring what is happening (or not happening).

  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at
  DM Solutions Group    

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