WFS Problems

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Thu Dec 2 08:04:38 PST 2004


I tried downloading your GML and ogrinfo can read it.

Try to change your projection objects. You now have defined that your WFS
client layer is in epsg:4326 but ofcourse your data is in epsg:32632.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

>                Hi Yewondwossen Assefa,
>  dear List members,
>  thank you for your answer.
>  During the last hours I include your hint with the forced request method:
> "wfs_request_method" "GET"
>  and I also found something else on my own:
>  I left the port number (8088) in the URL string:
>  So, in my case the complet request is called:
>  This might also be the reason why you did not work for you, too!
>  When sending above mentioned request the server sends a complete .gml
> file which is stored in my tmp directory.
>  Nevertheless still these coordinates are not drawn from the mapserver.
>  The beginning of  the .gml file sounds like this:
>  WLIS_UTM32555409.568178104,5650501.14750786
> 868199.990485413,5934332.6040282555409.5681781038,5934223.853692098
> 555418.5706741122,5934332.604028199
> PEGELSTAND100.0555418.5706741122,5934332.604028199
> 557407.5662599645,5933762.565755668
> PEGELSTAND100.07000000000001557407.5662599645,5933762.565755668
> 559292.2735897198,5933662.819451575
>  (... hundreds of coordinate pairs are following!)
>  the gml file is stored in the /srv/www/htdocs/tmp directory
>  I am running the mapserver vers: 4.2.3 with wms client/server and wfs
> client7server support
>  (that it what the mapserver gives back when typing the ./mapserv -v
> command!)
>  does anybody have an idea what could still be wrong?
>  thanks
>  Karsten
>  schrieb: One other thing you can try is to force mapserver to send Get
> request to the wfs server by adding the following metadata on your layer
> (default is Post) :
>     "wfs_request_method" "GET".
>   You should also test the wfs_server by manulally sending some requests
> to make sure that that the wfs responsd properly. Does the
>  returns something for you (I does not work for me but It might me an
> internal URL) ?
>  Later,
>  K. Lessing%

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