./configure failed on 4.4.0 . Was OK on 4.2

Till Adams adams at TERRESTRIS.DE
Mon Dec 6 03:01:43 PST 2004


I've just compiled ms4.4 on a mandrake 10.1 last friday, the "libgd.so"
is in /usr/lib,
here is my configure:

./configure --with-gd --with-gdal=/usr/bin/gdal-config --with-proj
--with-ogr --with-jpeg=/usr/  --with-png=/usr/ --without-tiff
--with-freetype --with-wmsserver --with-wmsclient --with-wfs --with-postgis

this one worked fine,

;-) Till

didier.georgieff wrote:

>I'm trying to ./configure 4.4.0 but got a problem with gd. Some weeks
>ago i compiled 4.2 without problem.
>==> I'm on mandrake 10.0 official
>$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-httpd=/usr/sbin/httpd2 --with-proj
>--with-ogr --with-gdal --with-pdf --with-threads
>configure: checking for GD 2.0.12 or higher...
>checking for gdImageSetAntiAliased in -lgd... no
>configure: checking whether GD needs libiconv...
>checking for gdImageSetAntiAliased in -lgd... no
>configure: error: Could not find gd.h or libgd.a/libgd.so in
>/usr/include.  Make sure GD 2.0.12 or higher is compiled before calling
>configure. You may also get this error if you didn't specify the
>appropriate location for one of GD's dependencies (freetype, libpng,
>libjpeg or libiconv).
>==> I checked the GD rpm and i have libgd2-2.0.15-4.2.100mdk. When i
>compiled sucessfully 4.2 i had libgd2-2.0.15-3mdk.
>==> It seems that the GD files are in the right place.
>$ll /usr/lib/libgd.*
>-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root    773 nov 11 21:43 /usr/lib/libgd.la*
>lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     14 nov 18 16:51 /usr/lib/libgd.so ->
>lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     14 nov 18 16:50 /usr/lib/libgd.so.2 ->
>-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 216368 nov 11 21:43 /usr/lib/libgd.so.2.0.0*
>$ll /usr/include/gd.*
>-rw-r--r--  1 root root 23497 nov 11 21:43 /usr/include/gd.h
>==> using --with-gd=/usr/lib or --with-gd=/usr/include doesn't work
>May be is it related ? List archives or Google gave no tip.
>Thanks for any idea or pointer about that.


Mit freundlichen Grüssen aus Bonn,

Till Adams

*      Schulungen im Geo-Consortium      *
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Dipl. Geogr. Till Adams
terrestris, Paulsen&Adams GbR
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info at terrestris.de * www.terrestris.de

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