Render Tiled JP2s with MRSID SDK enabled GDAL

Simpson asimpson at I-55.COM
Tue Dec 7 09:39:44 EST 2004

I have an installation of MapServer 4.4.0 using GDAL 1.2.5 on Linux
The GDAL is compiled with Geo_DSDK-
I have a tile index layer of jp2 files that am having trouble rendering at
certain scales.
At a small scale and large scale, the image renders ok, but in between I

mapserv: ../compressed/codestream.cpp:3944: kdu_tile
kdu_codestream::open_tile(kdu_coords): Assertion `(tile_idx.x >= 0) &&
(tile_idx.x < state->num_tiles.x) && (tile_idx.y >= 0) && (tile_idx.y <
state->num_tiles.y)' failed.

I suspect an issue with the overviews in the jp2s:

Band 1 Block=6269x64 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red
  Overviews: 3135x3508, 1567x1754, 784x877, 392x439, 196x219, 98x110, 49x55,
24x27, 12x14, 6x7, 3x3

Has anyone had a similar issue or have any suggestions?

Thanks for any help,

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