Mr SID in mapserver

Bob Basques bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US
Wed Dec 8 15:51:32 EST 2004

I've done something similar, only I used the old (FREE) MrSid server.  I
wrote a script that hit the free server for producing new seamless
tiled datasets from a set of tiled MrSid files at various resolutions.

The Free Server is still out on the Net floating around.  I've used the
Linux version with PERL exclusively, but I believe there is a Windows
version as well.


Jeff Hoffmann wrote:

>Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>>On Wed, 8 Dec 2004 11:47:42 -0800, Jon Saints <saintsjd at> wrote:
>>>What is the best way to convert MrSID to GeoTiff?
>>>is there a way to do it on linux?
>>Well "best way" is a broad request.  I am pretty sure there
>>are linux tools (or at least the SDK) available from MrSID.
>>But I am not aware of any binary distributions of a translator
>>package that is freely available from any other source that
>>includes MrSID support.
>>I would suggest you look into what Lizardtech has to offer.  You
>>might need to do the translation on windows to use their utilities.
>LizardTech does have a image converter called mrsiddecode in their SDK
>that will convert from MrSid to a variety of formats (TIFF, GeoTIFF,
>JPEG, etc.).  I've used the Linux version and it seems to work fine for
>me.  You can download the SDK from
>Jeff Hoffmann
>jeff at

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