Oracle connection (Newbie)

Bob Basques bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US
Sat Dec 11 15:39:57 EST 2004

Paul Ramsey wrote:

>> I just decided to try out a Oracle Spatial dataset as a LAYER in
>> MapServer to guage performance and such.  Any concerns hints would be
>> appreciated.
> Make sure you get some great numbers! :)
> JMeter is a nice load-generation tool, we have an extension we can
> give you that does randomized WMS calls.
> - Test concurrent load as well as single load
> - Test PostGIS too so you can get a head-to-head number

I'm pretty much stuck with ORACLE , as it's used across the Organization
and is integrated into quite a few other applications that I'll be
feeding from AutoCAD.  I just figured out the AutoCAD spatial writing
tools, now to get the process to publish through MapServer.

There are only 92,000 points in the layer. so it shouldn't be to bad
performance wise, even if I don't quite get it right the first time.  :c)


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