Mapping product

kevin.sweeney kevin.sweeney at UNN.AC.UK
Mon Dec 13 02:41:14 PST 2004

Hello all.

I am currently trying to find a mapping application to create a web based
dynamic map of the university I am studying at.  Obviously I can't afford a
full GIS development tool like MapInfo (Anyone got one for free?) so I have
been looking around for a good substitute and have been pointed to

Is there anyone able to answer the following....

1.  Is mapserver a good way to create an interactive map?
2.  Is it difficult to use?
3.  What do I need to start creating maps?  I have been to the set up
section and see I
    need Apache(Got) do I need anything else to get started?
4.  Anyone got any spare examples for me to butcher and change so I can
learn how it all

I know I am asking a lot of questions but their must be someone who can
answer them.  You can E-mail at kevin.sweeney at if you want to.

Please help.

Many thanks.


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