Using Attributes

Blammo bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US
Tue Dec 14 18:07:46 PST 2004


Ok, then.  Let's forget a static color value for the time being.  What
about a color ramp.  Can a color ramp be used somehow (without going a
database route, or using MapScript) to color a set of polygons based on
some value in a column, or even simply divide the number of  Polygons
(or entities) into the color ramp and color them based on sorting.
Anything, to get a varied color range for neighboring polygons.

I'm just trying to color the polygons uniquely is all.  I actually added
in the column for coloring thinking it to be a simple operation for
MapServer.  I did it as a 7 color Ramp that I applied by sorting the
names alphabetically.  I can add in the 7 classes needed to do it easy
enough the long way.  It will just look really weird going at it
backwards, especially when I have to explain to some mapserver admin in
the future that installs a new version and asks me why I'm macthing the
RGB values in the Attribute to populate the CLASS with the same values.
Don't you think?

I guess I'm just getting (too) used to MapServer being able to do
everything I ask of it.  I guess I need to watch my step.  :c)

Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

>Ken or Bob,
>This sounds like a reasonable feature request. You should write an
>enhancement request bug in bugzilla.

Thanks for the help.  I added in the bug enhancement per your
suggestion.  I hope I didn't keep it too short and simple though.


>Ken Lord wrote:
>>Hi Bob,
>>Unless things have changed in the last year, you can't do it the way
>>you want to with shapefiles.  ... I do hope things have changed.
>>>I have a SHP file with a "COLOR" column in it with a RGB value (255 255
>>>How do I use this in the MAPFILE as a COLOR value?
>>>I've been looking on and off all day in the Wiki, I've come to the
>>>conclusion that I'm not using the correct Search term.  Does anyone have
>>>an example of how to use the column attribute value as the color value
>>>in the MAPFILE?
>>>NAME 'cities'
>>>DATA '<path to data>'
>>>  OUTLINECOLOR 207 50 150
>>>  COLOR '<value of muni_name column above>'
>>>  SIZE 2
>>>  SYMBOL 'circle'
>>>I think I'm having a brain freeze or something . . . . . mutter, mutter
>>>. . . .

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