Virtual Spatial Data crashing map

Mike Davis mike.and.kerry at GMAIL.COM
Thu Dec 16 12:32:44 PST 2004

I have been messing around with using x,y points in our Mapserver 4.2
sites via OGR's Virtual Spatial Data feature.  The data is stored in
an Access database and I am using a working ODBC connection to get to
the data.  In the .map file I have configured the CONNECTION as

 <OGRVRTLayer name="project_loc">
   <SrcDataSource>ODBC:username/password at gis_projects</SrcDataSource>
   <GeometeryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="XCoord" y="YCoord"/>

This connection string checks out fine using ogrinfo on the server
hosting the ODBC connection and I configured the layer in my .map file
like this:

 NAME test_points
 TYPE point
 CONNECTION --same as above--
 DATA "project_loc"
 STATUS default
   SYMBOL 'firepoint'
   COLOR 0 0 0

When the layer is set to Default mapserv returns a 404 error "The page
cannot be found".

I am wondering if anyone out there has any tips or advice on Virtual
Spatial Data.

Thanks in advance


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