Oracle Spatial for Linux

Francesco Sozzi fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH
Sun Dec 19 23:35:55 PST 2004

Oracle has three versions: Lite, Personal and Enterprise. Oracle Spatial is
an option for Enterprise only, but for Personal Edition, Oracle provides
"Locator", which is a subset of Oracle Spatial (fully compatible, of course;
only the name changes). Enterpise is fully supported into Linux, and I think
also all other versions (Oracle is investing on this platform). Oracle Lite
is the chepest option, but you haven't Spatial.

Hope this helps



----- Original Message -----
From: "Eduardo Patto Kanegae" <lists at WEBMAPIT.COM.BR>
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2004 11:38 PM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Oracle Spatial for Linux

> Hi,
> I can't remember the name, but I believe there's a "Oracle Lite" or
"Oracle Personal" edition which is NO-cost version for development purposes.
> Does anybody know if this version has a Linux version ? and does it
contains Oracle Spatial module?
> best
> Eduardo Patto Kanegae
> ICQ: 303747254
> Treinamento em UMN MapServer -
> Fórum MapServer Brasil -
> ***Fim da Mensagem / End of Message ***

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