mixture of perl/mapscript and mapserver

Lowell Filak lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG
Mon Dec 20 06:49:45 PST 2004

As Ed explained, you can not incorporate an image in that manner.
The only ways I can think to do what you want are:
1) Setup your mapscript app to provide a WMS reply for supplying the
image to mapserv under a WMS layer deffinition.
2) Write a .wld file to go along with the image and include it in the
mapfile used by your mapserv instance as a raster layer.



The following message was sent by Joseph Norris <sirronj at PACBELL.NET> on
Fri, 17 Dec 2004 13:36:58 -0800.

> Everyone,
> I have the following bit of code:
> $layerObj->draw($map, $img);
> $point_layer->draw($map, $img);
> my $new_map = "$png_location/" . sprintf("mx%0.10d",rand(1000000000)) .
> ".map";
> $map->save($new_map);
> my $image_name = "$png_location/" .
sprintf("map%0.10d",rand(1000000000)) .
> ".png";
> $img->save($image_name, $map);
> $img->free();
> my $url = qq!http://$domain/cgi-bin/mapserv!;
>    $url .= "?map_web_template=$template_path/map_template.html";
>    $url .= "&zoomsize=5";
>    $url .= "&zoomdir=1";
>    $url .= "&zoom=2";
>    $url .= "&map=$new_map";
>    $url .= "&map_web_imagepath=$png_location/";
>    $url .= "&map_web_imageurl=/$http_png_location/";
>    $url .= "&root=/maps/";
>    $url .= "&img=$image_name";
>    $url .= "&program=/cgi-bin/mapserv";
>    $url .= "&imgext=5890870.385 -192053.200 8943310.847 3226086.749";
>    $url .= "&mode=browse";
> I thought that upon the run of mapserver in my map_template_html I
would be
> able to load the [img] via the &img=$image_name.  However when it
loads I am
> getting a whole new image that contains nothing and is not at all the same
> name that I have built.
> I am not sure how to mix these - I would like to start out building my own
> layers  ( which I have been able to do - thanks to all of your help ),
> save these out in an image and the load this into mapserver so as to have
> the browse capability.
> Have I made myself clear as mud?
> Thanks.
> #Joseph Norris (Perl - what else is there?/Linux/CGI/Mysql) print
@c=map chr
> 68,-26,11,15,1,12,4,-68,-22,11,14,14,5,15,-90);

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