OGR postgresql empty query makes mapserver fail

Paco Regodon mapserver at METEOLOGICA.ES
Mon Dec 20 09:35:52 PST 2004


i hace created an OGR layer to connect to a postgresql layer in order to query 
for some data. All works fine except that if no data is available, mapservers 
doesn't generate an empty map. Instead, i get this error:

msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'OBSRAYOS'.
msOGRFileOpen(): OGR error. Open failed for OGR connection ` PG:dbname=obs 
user=obs select x, y, from observations where obs_date between '20041216 
00:00:00' and '20041216 11:59:59' WGS84 wkbPoint '. File not found or 
unsupported format. 

How can i do to avoid this error and get an empty map?

Paco Regodón
Meteologica S.A.
tel. +34.914561001
fax. +34.914561002

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