shapefile from raster file {Scanned}

Siki Zoltan siki at AGT.BME.HU
Tue Dec 21 14:14:18 EST 2004


You must have a raster to vector (r2v) converter to do this task.
Check for opensource tools.
But you must consider that this conversion can't be 100% perfect!
Depending on the source the postprocessing may take 30-70% of the
whole process!
Do not try to vectorize orthophotos/satelite images.

There are some software which supports semi automatic raster to vector
conversion. This gives sorter processing time sometimes.


On Tue, 21 Dec 2004, Jose Luis Gonzalez wrote:

> Sory if it is a stupid or obvious question, but how can I create a shapefile from a raster file like .tiff for example?
> I am using Mapserver 4.4 and java programming
> Thank you
> Jose Luis
> ---------------------------------

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