PHP/Mapscript on Linux Red Hat Advance Server

Daryl Herzmann akrherz at IASTATE.EDU
Wed Dec 22 12:40:54 PST 2004

On Tue, 21 Dec 2004, gerald villacarlos wrote:

> hello groups
>     does anybody here ever tried installing mapserver on Redhat Linux
> Advance Server, if so. please help. im stuck on using Redhat Enterprise
> Advance Server on my mapserver application.
>    waiting for your reponse. any comments or opitions is very much welcome.

Can you possibly provide some information on what the problem is?  For the
most part, you can follow the RedHat 9 instructions that are on the
Mapserver Wiki....


  * Daryl Herzmann (akrherz at
  * Program Assistant -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet

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