performance problem

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Mon Dec 27 16:50:56 EST 2004

As I read this you're creating 4000 line features, each one point longer
than the first. So the first line contains 1 point (bad!), the second
line contains 2 points, the third 3 points. Are you sure that's what you
want? I can see why you have a bit of a performance issue. Shouldn't
adding the track to the shape and layer happen outside the for loop?
Like so:

# build the track

# create a feature from the track and add to feature
$shp = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_LINE);
if($TrackLayerObj->addFeature($shp) == -1){
         echo  "addFeature in lineLayer failed";

This would result in one 4000 point feature being added to the
'gpstrack' layer.


>>> joerg pfeiffer <superbla3000 at GMX.NET> 12/27/2004 10:57:44 AM >>>

I have a 4000 point track in mysql. I build my trackline with

$TrackLayerObj = $this->map->getLayerByName('gpstrack');
$pointObj = ms_newPointObj();
$line = ms_newLineObj();

         $shp = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_LINE);
         if($TrackLayerObj->addFeature($shp) == -1){
                 echo  "addFeature in lineLayer failed";

If I choose just a few trackpoints, it's no problem. But when I want
show all 4000, linux 'top' shows php-cgi running and running and then
get a blank browser site, due to timeout I guess.

Are 4000 points too much?
Any ideas?


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