Dynamic where clause in OGR/ OVF file
Shanton, James A
James.Shanton2 at NSCORP.COM
Thu Dec 30 04:17:09 PST 2004
Is it Possible to put asp or other dynamic content in an OGR file ?
(Specifically the where clause of the SQL statement )
In my Sample below I'd like to replace the '%myuid' in the SQL with the
users id -- something like <%session("myuid")%>
<OGRVRTLayer name="notesogrl">
<SrcDataSource>ODBC:dbuid/mypwd at mydsn</SrcDataSource>
<SrcSQL>select icon_id,gis_note,latitude as y,longitude as
x,insert_id from gis_object where insert_id like '%myuid'</SrcSQL>
<GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="x" y="y"/>
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