Projection trouble

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at CCGIS.DE
Thu Dec 30 12:22:13 EST 2004

we experience a strange offset when overlaying the same data as WMS maps
with MapServer versions 4.0.1 and 4.4.1.

*4.0.1 server*
Windows 2000: SP4
IIS: 5
proj: came with 4.0.1
gd: came with 4.0.1
gdal: came with 4.0.1
Cap URL:
Data: local shape files in EPSG:4326 projected to EPSG:31467

*4.4.1 server*
FreeBSD: 4.10
Apache: 1.3.33
proj: 4.4.9
gd: 2.0.33
gdal: 1.2.1
Cap URL:
Data: the same shape files as above (WGS84) but dumped to
PostgreSQL/PostGIS (and also projected to EPSG:31467).

The problem does not seem to result from MapServer but from proj?

You can have a look at the problem here:

Zoom in to a scale of 1:100,000 or less to see the post code areas. They
overlap with an x-offset (north):
in northern Germany 190m
in central Germany 145m
in southern Germany 100m

The y-offset (east) is:
in western Germany 45m
in eastern Germany 125m

That resembles a lot to a datum shift which we stumbled accross (years
ago) when reading GPS EPSG:4326 WGS84 data directly into the database
and overlaying it with Gauss-Kruger EPSG:31467 (Bessel projection).

What has been changed and what impact does it have on projects which
overlay other data?

Best regards, Arnulf.

Arnulf B. Christl

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