compiling with fastcgi enabled on Windows

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Fri Dec 31 04:06:02 PST 2004

Hi Frank,

thanks. I have run into a problem runtime (in normal cgi mode, not fastcgi
mode yet) not compile time.

What I did was:
-download fcgi-2.4.0
-nmake /f makefile.nt CFG=Debug
-put your settings into the nmake.opt file

Everything compiles perfectly, for running mapserv.exe I now needed two
MSVC dll's: MSVCP60D.DLL and MSVCRTD.DLL (probably because of the debug
mode of fcgi).

When I try to run a WMS GetCapabilities, my capabilities are mucked up. If
I comment the FASTCGI support in the makefile, and recompile, the WMS
GetCapabilities work as expected.

This is the mucked up part (the last line should be where UserLayer= ends):

   <UserDefinedSymbolization SupportSLD="1" UserLayer=        <Style>
"0" UserStyle="1" RemoteWFS="0"/>

Do you have any idea what's going on here?

Best regards,

On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 20:53:19 -0500, Frank Warmerdam <fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM>

> On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 17:16:27 +0100, Bart van den Eijnden
> <bartvde at> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> has anybody compiled Mapserver in fastcgi mode on Windows?
>> The current makefiles don't have options for enabling FASTCGI (the
>> configure file has though for Unix/Linux), so I am looking for what to
>> add
>> to the or nmake.opt in order to get a Mapserver FastCGI.
> Bart,
> Sorry about that.  I neglected to get the FastCGI stuff into
> 4.4 in time.  You might want to just use MapServer 4.5 (aka dev)
> which does have stubs in the nmake.opt for FastCGI support.
> It looks something like:
> # FastCGI Support
> #
> # Uncomment, and update accordingly.
> #FCGIDIR=C:\projects\fcgi-2.4.0
> #FCGILIB=$(FCGIDIR)\libfcgi\Debug\libfcgi.lib
> #FCGIINC=-I$(FCGIDIR)\include
>      $(PROJ_LIB) $(OGR_LIB) $(GDAL_LIB)\
>      $(CURL_LIB)  $(MING_LIB) $(PDF_LIB) \
>          $(PROJ_INC) $(REGEX_INC) $(GDAL_INC) $(OGR_INC) \
>          $(CURL_INC) $(MING_INC) $(PDF_INC) $(POSTGIS_INC) \
>          $(IMGGEN_INC) $(ERR_INC) $(ORACLE_INC) $(SDE_INC)\
>          $(ICONV_INC) $(FCGIINC)
>           $(EPPL) $(PROJ) $(TIFF) $(JPEG) $(GD) $(OGR) $(WMS) \
>           $(GDAL) $(FCGIDEF) \
>           $(WFS) $(WFSCLIENT) $(WCS) $(PDF) $(EGIS) \
> Let me know if you run into specific problems.  My next FWTools
> build of MapServer for win32 will come shipped with FastCGI
> enabled.
> Best regards,
> --
> ---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------
> I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
> warmerdam at
> light and sound - activate the windows |
> and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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