[Mapserver-users] MapServer 4.01 - unreadable error messages

Christina Biakowski christina.biakowski at ccgis.de
Wed Jan 7 04:33:54 PST 2004

Dear list,

we have upgraded (OS: FreeBSD) from MapServer 3.66 to 4.01. Running into an
error with the getfeatureInfo-request MapServer 4.01 returns the error
message in binary code using "content-type image/png", like:

Content-type: image/png ?PNG 
?¹Ã:ÐY©9ÁÝ fÄ?L?N35Ó?8ß? ÊIªC¦µbã Á...

With MapServer 3.66 we get "readable" error messages (Content-type:

Thank you in advance for any hint.

Best regards,


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